ArtAround Roswell Returns for 2017

AAR Downloadable Map [03.28]

ROSWELL, Ga. — Sculptures are once again popping up all over Roswell in preparation for this year’s sculpture tour. After a successful 2016 season, ArtAround Roswell is making a triumphant return to add a touch of flair to the city’s parks.

“Public art by definition is public. It’s free. You don’t need any tickets,” said Roswell Arts Fund Board Chair Rochelle Mucha. “It’s aesthetically pleasing. It evokes curiosity. It makes people smile.”

This is the second year that the city will have a sculpture tour, and it is building off of the momentum of the first.

“It was a very big success,” Mucha said. “By all definitions, everybody involved was happy with it.

“The art had become iconic landmarks. People would say stuff like, ‘I’ll meet you at the Oak Leaf,’ or ‘I’ll meet you at Early Hatch,’”

There are a total of 13 sculptures this year, including two permanent sculptures bought from last year’s tour – Smoke and Oak Leaf Triptych – and a gift from Russian Artist Dima Alekseyev, Sky Maintenance, which will stay with the city for two years. Smoke and Oak Leaf Triptych were purchased using funds from the Roswell Wine Festival and Roswell Arts Fund, respectively. The other 10 works are sponsored this year by local businesses.

Mucha likened the tour to a “museum without walls.”

“It provides access to quality art to all people, not just to people who can afford to buy a ticket,” she said.

The sculpture tour, however, doesn’t just benefit everyday citizens. It can be an economic driver and destination spot for the city to attract tourism.

“ArtAround captures our city’s Modern Spirit and Southern Soul.  Art, in its many forms, drives economic and social vitality,” Mucha said. “It’s bringing people here. The people come, and they stay here, eat here. Businesses value that.”

Read More in the Forsyth Herald

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